Frequently Asked Questions

Everything (else) you wanted to know.

Who/what is Diligent Pursuits?

My name is Jennifer Martin and I began Diligent Pursuits as a ministry for volunteers and parents. I am a wife, mama to three, ministry volunteer, and committed to studying and making the Bible come alive for children.

Who will benefit from DP?

I write with families and ministry volunteers in mind. If you are a parent who desperately wants to raise your family in the Scriptures, this is the place for you. If you are a ministry volunteer who needs encouragement and tips, this is the place for you. If you are church staff who wants fresh ideas and curriculum for your families, this is the place for you.

What is your goal?

My goal is to equip families and volunteers to teach the Bible to children. I grew up in church but found when I went to college and struggled with an Old Testament course, I didn’t know my Bible as well as I thought.

My desire is to create strong and meaningful curriculum for children. Too often I have been disappointed by watered down packages that focus more on a cute theme than what the scripture actually says. I think curriculum can be fun and meaningful.

Why you?

I have been teaching since I was a child. It began with my stuffed animals lined up in my bedroom and continued as a high schooler leading my church youth group. I earned my degree in Early Childhood Education, and was a Kindergarten and First Grade Teacher before earning my Masters in School Administration. I spent five years as an Assistant Principal during which I led literacy and technology professional development sessions for the teachers at my school, county and in state education conferences. 

When I paused my career to stay home with my three children, I answered a call to volunteer ministry. As a new mom I realized the profound responsibility of teaching my own children about our faith. I taught children and adult Sunday School, joined the Children’s Council at my church and served as the VBS Director for five years. After rewriting the boxed curriculum for two years to fit our church needs, I wrote a VBS program from scratch. Then Covid-19 hit and I wrote two more at-home kits to equip families to teach and experience the Bible with their children. 

During this time I also began serving as a leader at Community Bible Study, first as a preschool teacher and then as the Children Youth Director. For the past four years I have led a team of volunteers called to teach children the Bible. I provide training, encouragement and support, and planning throughout the year.

How is your approach different?

My years as a parent and educator inform my style. I know what children like. They want authentic and relational learning experiences. I am adamant that we can teach children what the Bible says and make it fun. I like a hands-on approach and lessons that are immediately applicable to a child’s daily life.

How can we preview your curriculum kits?

Samples of each curriculum kit are available here. If you decide you would like to purchase the complete downloadable kit, please contact me.  

Our church has an idea for a curriculum… do you take freelance writing jobs?

Yes! I would love to work with your group to produce  curriculum tailored to your needs. Please contact me.

What’s next for Diligent Pursuits?

I just launched a free Advent wreath family study called On the Way . This study provides quick and meaningful daily devotions for families during Advent. Each day has scriptures, what to say and ask, simple prayers and familiar hymns to sing together.

Now I am in the planning stages of a family devotion study for Lent.