About Me

Meet Jennifer Martin.

Hello and welcome to Diligent Pursuits. My name is Jennifer Martin, and I am a wife, mama to three, and leader in volunteer ministry.

After a decade in public education, both as a teacher and school administrator, I decided to stay home to raise my family. My husband claims this is when my life as a “professional volunteer” began. These last nine years, I have taught both adults and children through my church and Community Bible Study.

I have always loved curriculum, and as a VBS Director for my church, I found myself frustrated with the quality of programs offered to our children. The first couple of years I would simply rewrite portions of the box VBS curriculum my church purchased. Then in the summer of 2019 I wrote my own VBS- Galilee: Being More Like Jesus. I had discovered my new passion.

My word for 2020 was “diligent” because I made a promise to my husband to do something with my desire to write curriculum. Thus, Diligent Pursuits was born.

Here you will find a weekly blog that I write for others in volunteer ministry. I have written these devotions for years for the teachers who serve with me at Community Bible Study because I found that while there are many resources for paid teachers and ministers, there aren’t as many for those of us in volunteer ministry.

Also on the Curriculum page, you will find the projects I have written for our church. There is an option to purchase and download each kit for your family’s or church’s faith formation.