Third Sunday of Advent
Say Today we begin with the story of a baby, but this is not yet the story of Baby Jesus. This is a longer passage to read, so we are going to read it in smaller chunks.
Read Luke 1:5-7
Ask Do you remember other stories from the Bible where people wanted a child but could not have one? (Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Hannah) What happened in each of those stories?
Light one purple candle
Read Luke 1:8-17
Say Zechariah was a priest. In Bible times the priests were in charge of the Temple. In these verses it was his turn to light the incense in the Sanctuary. He was alone until the angel appeared. Imagine how startling this would be! But the angel told him not to be afraid and said his wife would have a son they were to call John.
Ask What was to be special about their son, John? Look back at verse 14. How will people respond to John?
Light the other purple candle.
Read Luke 1:18-20
Ask How did Zechariah respond to this news? What was Gabriel’s response to Zechariah? Who sent Gabriel to speak to Zechariah?
Light the pink candle.
Read Luke 1:21-25
Say Remember in Bible times, people thought a woman who could not have a baby had sinned or was being punished for some reason. Not being able to have a baby was considered a bad thing in Bible times.
Ask How did Elizabeth react to the news she was going to have a baby? How does this story illustrate JOY?
Pray Lord, thank you for bringing us joy. Amen
Sing Joy to the World